
Thursday 9 October 2014

Here we go again... contract number 3!

Quick update before I go back to the craziness of the ship in 3 days time! As requested by my friend Hayley, I will try to update more often (easy to say, hard to do on the ship!) but I might move towards more specific blog posts because my life is very repetitive! It's also quite hard to keep within certain guidelines about posting... as you can imagine the world is a very open place with the internet and blogging at our fingertips and it's all too easy to get into trouble when you're posting about a company such as Disney. I love working for Disney so I am not negative about the company but remember, my opinions are just that - my opinions. They are not official word on behalf of the company and so I have to be careful :)

Anyway, what I can say is that I'm returning to the ship.... AS GUEST SERVICES!!!! This is the role I've always wanted to do whilst working at Disney, preferably in the parks of course but that won't happen right now so the ships are the next best thing! Also, they didn't change my start date (this saturday, 12th Oct) and they only shortened the contract by two weeks so I finish on the 20th March 2015 (prospectively of course!). Nick finishes his contract on March 7th I believe so we will overlap 6 weeks on vacation which is pretty awesome.

 If things go well in this new department I'd like to work the contract system to be able to get off for Christmas 2015 - that would be amazing! It's all about planning ahead and swapping end dates usually. This year I'm missing my 4th Christmas in the UK in a row which is a bit of a bummer... it's definitely the biggest sacrifice you make working on a cruise ship - not specifically Christmas but those important family events throughout the year; birthdays, weddings, days out, holidays etc. Celebrating Christmas aboard the ship is still fun and we come together as the Dream family but nothing beats getting up early, eating chocolate for breakfast, unwrapping the presents, having family Christmas lunch, watching the Queen on TV and rubbish Christmas movies all day - whilst it's cold and windy outside!

Anyway, so I get a new costume which is a white skirt with black (Hogwarts-esque) blazer and the same shirt underneath I wore in merchandise. Also with the new role comes varied shifts at last so not the same thing week in week out. It does mean I will not have as much time in port, will work a few more hours and probably will end up on night shifts at some point as guest services is a 24 hour a day role. I also get to NOT do cycle counts, deliveries or traffic controller duties running up 9 decks of stairs twice a week which is rather exciting!! I'm sure there are the equivalent things in GS that are less exciting but I'm ready to discover them.

I also get a cabin a bit further up the I95 and obviously a new roommate who I don't know probably so that's a nice air of mystery to be revealed on Sunday! Bring on the new chapter...

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