
Friday, 10 May 2013

Watching paint dry...

We're into May and there was a glimmer of hope earlier this week because Rob got contacted and got his date! Congratulations Rob! It was a bit of a curveball because he is actually flying straight out to Barcelona to join the Disney Magic during it's Europe itinerary bypassing Orlando completely - so all his PST and Traditions stuff will be in Spain too! His date is May 29th... which is only three weeks away. So I've hoped since Tuesday when all this happened that I will get a call too but unfortunately it looks like not this week as it's now Friday afternoon and I'm sure The Agency staff have gone home for the weekend now.

Here's a picture of Rob and I just to amuse you... and make this blog more interesting.

Caption Competition: "When Rob found out he'd need to
communicate he can't swim... in SPANISH..." LOL.

So... we wait. In other news, I did get the part time job which I started this week so that's provided some distraction. It's just working in a cafe and I only have to give a weeks' notice so that's good. They've already given me more hours than my contract next week so at least I can earn some money to get back in the green on my bank account...!

These last few weeks have been so tough with battling PDD (Post Disney Depression... it's real you know...), waiting out on DCL every day plus a few personal issues. But I'm getting there slowly but surely and just waiting for that call which will change everything (at least for a few months!)...

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